Trade Competitiveness Map
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Trade Performance HS : Exports of Afghanistan - 00 All industries (2022, in USD thousands)

All indicators are derived from mirror data (partner countries trade data)
IndustryExports in valueExports as a share of total exports (%)Exports as a share of world exports (%)Growth of exports in value (% p.a.)Growth of exports in volume (% p.a.)Growth of share in world exports (% p.a.)Number of exported productsShare of top 3 exported products (%)Share of top 3 export markets (%)Structural PerformanceNet tradeSpecialisation (Balassa Index / RCA Index )Specialisation (Lafay Index)
0000 All industries in sector 001,663,561100.00000.010096 99936.810485.1 -5,890,498  
0000 All industries in sector 001,663,561100.00000.010096 99936.810485.1 -5,890,498