Trade Competitiveness Map
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Trade Performance Index (by Sector): Afghanistan (2021)

  Indicator's DescriptionFresh food
Fresh food
N Number of exporting countries for the ranking in the sector179 
G1 Value of exports (in thousand US$)1,221,907 
G2 Export growth in value, p.a. (%)20%13
General ProfileG3 Share in national exports (%)61% 
G4 Share in national imports (%)11% 
G5 Relative trade balance (%)17% 
G6 Relative unit value (world average = 1)0.6 
P1 Net exports (in thousand US$)362,12355
P2 Per capita exports US$/inhabitant)30.5130
P3 Share in world market (%)0.12%79
Position in 2021 for Current IndexP4aProduct diversification (N° of equivalent products)1443
P4bProduct concentration (Spread) 41
P5aMarket diversification (N° of equivalent markets)3153
P5bMarket concentration (Spread) 149
C1 Relative change of world market share p.a (%)13.8700% 
C1aCompetitiveness effect, p.a. (%)5.2500%33
Change 2017 - 2021 for Change IndexC1bInitial geographic specialisation, p.a. (%)-2.2400%161
C1cInitial product specialisation, p.a. (%)0.9900%50
C1dAdaptation effect, p.a. (%)9.8700%5
C2 Matching with dynamics of world demand 62
A Absolute change of world market share (% points p.a)0.0102%22
Indicators included in chartP Average Index: Current Index 93
C Average Index: Change Index 14