Trade Competitiveness Map
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Trade Performance HS : Exports and imports of British Antarctic Territory (2023, in USD thousands)
All indicators are derived from mirror data (partner countries trade data)
 Industry Exports in valueImports in valueNet trade in valueExports as a share of total exports (%)Imports as a share of total imports (%)Exports as a share of world exports (%)Imports as a share of world imports (%)Growth of exports in value (% p.a.)Growth of imports in value (% p.a.)Net Trade (X-M)/(X+M) * 100
00 All industries66066100.0000.0000.00000.000091 100.0
39 Plastics and articles thereof6106192.4200.0000.00000.0000  100.0
62 Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet4046.0600.0000.00000.0000  100.0
87 Vehicles other than railway, tramway1011.5200.0000.00000.0000  100.0